Scroll discord server

Good day guys. How’s everyone doing. I just sent a message in the scroll discord channel and i got an error message which disappeared immediately. After just sending a “how’s everyone doing” message, I realized i am out of the server. I have been in the server for months and have about 5 roles including the OG role. Now I can’t even get back into the discord to lay a complaint. Is there any suggestion or a way out of this. Painful part is I don’t even know what i did

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I have the same problem. Contacted scroll MDs here. No answer.

Hey @12strong and @daavi,

sorry that this happened to you. If you don’t mind, would both of you be able to DM me your Discord username so that I can look into this?

My Discord username is swagtimusprime, you can simply DM me there. Thank you!

I have messaged you on discord as i have the same issue


ok, i checked this out now and all is working well on the discord server…

Hey @SwagtimusPrime,
I have the same issue. I’m not able to join your discord server.
It might be due to my username “karyusbonus”. Bot could ban it because of bonus…
I will try to DM you

Hi, @SwagtimusPrime or other admins
I have the same issue. I’m not able to join your discord server.
My username is “rebelhermits”
many thank for advance.

Please your discord bot bans for no reason and there is no other way to contact you as you don’t accept any message on twitter too.
Could you please help by taking 1 minute to look at the situation.
It seems i’m not alone.

Hello @karyusbonus Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had this experience, and I understand how frustrating it must be.Is there anything you’ll like us to help you with?

@Bushman yeah i’d like you to unban my discord username. It probably happened because there is “bonus” on it.
Here my id 876502050693841007
You would be kind to unlock it please.