Explain SCROLL from the beginning

Scroll.io is a Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that uses a technology called “zkEVM”. Scroll aims to significantly increase Ethereum’s transaction capacity and transaction speed, and reduce transaction fees.

Some key features of Scroll include:

  • zkEVM: Scroll uses a zkEVM (zero-knowledge proof virtual machine) that is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This means that developers can easily adapt existing Ethereum dApps and tools to Scroll.
  • High Transaction Capacity: Scroll aims to be able to process thousands of transactions per second (TPS).
  • Low Transaction Fees: Scroll aims to offer significantly lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum.
  • Security: Scroll inherits Ethereum’s security model and uses various techniques to enhance the security of zkEVM.

Advantages of Scroll:

  • Scalability: Scroll can significantly increase Ethereum’s transaction capacity and transaction speed.
  • Low Transaction Fees: Scroll can offer significantly lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum.
  • Developer Friendly: Scroll provides an environment where developers can easily adapt existing Ethereum dApps and tools to Scroll.
  • Security: Scroll inherits Ethereum’s security model and uses various techniques to enhance the security of zkEVM.

Disadvantages of Scroll:

  • New: Scroll is a relatively new project and carries some risks.
  • Technical Complexity: Scroll is based on complex technologies such as zkEVM.
  • Limited Compatibility: Scroll is not currently compatible with all Ethereum dApps.

Future of Scroll:

Scroll is a promising solution to the Ethereum scaling problem. The Scroll team continues to develop zkEVM technology and make Scroll available to a wider range of users.

More Information About Scroll:
my friends will add :slight_smile:


Awesome mate. Nice explanation. Short and precise


good for beginner. zkevm explains

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